Meet Michelle Taylor Willis of Gagnant Media
Voyage ATL. May 12, 2021.
One important lesson I’ve learned is that significance is the goal, not success. From watching and living with my family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues, I’ve seen how closely we are connected. In order to grow, thrive, and be significant, we must be intentional in our communication and interaction with each other. In order to be significant, I have to remind myself constantly for whom I’m playing and what my legacy will be. I empower people to empower people.
There are so many successful people in today’s world, but many forget about their significance. They have their two and a half kids, white picket fence, $300,000 house, good jobs, and they come home open their garage, park and close the garage, and go into their house, and that’s it. And, that’s okay, but it’s not why we’re here. We’re not here to go into our garage, close the door and not come out until the next morning. We were made to pull our cars into the garage and stand outside and talk to our neighbors to discover how we’re going to help them get where they need to be. That’s significance.
Read more of Michelle’s Voyage ATL article here.